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  • 22.11.2011

    New manager for Ahlsell in Norway

    Morten Harsem has been appointed CEO of Ahlsell AS.The past four years Morten has held a position as CEO of Elektroskandia (Rexel), the largest electricity wholesale company in Norway, where he has...

  • 04.10.2011

    Ahlsell aquires Elgross'n i Norr AB with business in Umeå

    Elgross'n i Norr AB is a local wholesaler that is selling a wide range of electrical articles within automation, lightning and installation. The company has a turnover of approx. 20 MSEK. The...

  • 31.08.2011

    Ahlsell's acquisition of NEA Elmateriel AB

    The Swedish Competition Authority has decided to approve the acquisition. "This means that starting in September, we can begin discussions on how we in the best possible way, from a customer as well...

  • 04.07.2011

    Ahlsell acquires NEA Elmateriel

    Ahlsell and Närkes Elektriska AB (NEA) have signed an agreement meaning that Ahlsell is acquiring the shares in NEA Elmateriel AB, one of NEA's fully owned subsidiaries. NEA Elmateriel AB is an...

  • 27.01.2011

    Ahlsell sells Oil & Gas business

    An agreement has been reached with Norwegian company Stream AS wherein Ahlsell sells 100% of the shares in Ahlsell Oil & Gas AS. The company is a key player in its product field, valves and pipes...

Melding fra Ahlsell

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