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  • 11.07.2012

    Ahlsell acquires TOOLS in Växjö

    Ahlsell acquires TOOLS in Växjö from Carlsson's Hardware and Appliances.TOOLS in Växjö sell a wide range of tools, industrial supplies and personal protective equipment. The company has a turnover of...

  • 04.06.2012

    Kenneth Bengtsson new Chairman of the Board of Ahlsell AB

    On May 9 CVC Capital Partners' completed their acquisition of the Ahlsell Group. Kenneth Bengtsson has been appointed new Chairman of the Company.Kenneth is the Chairman of “The Confederation of...

  • 04.04.2012

    Ahlsell acquires Toivola-Team Oy

    Toivola-Team Oy is a local wholesaler with business in Jyväskylä, Finland. The company sells a wide range of tools and machinery. The company has a turnover of approx. 2 MEUR.Jyväskylä is an...

  • 14.03.2012

    Ahlsell acquires Industriprodukter i Malmfälten AB

    Industriprodukter i Malmfälten AB is a local wholesaler with business in Gällivare. The company sells a wide range of tools and machinery. The company has a turnover of approx. 20 MSEK.Malmfälten and...

  • 29.02.2012

    CVC Capital Partners agrees acquisition of Ahlsell

    Funds advised by CVC Capital Partners (‘CVC’) today announced the EUR 1.8billion acquisition of Ahlsell, the Nordic region's leading technical products wholesaler from Cinven and Goldman Sachs Capital...

Melding fra Ahlsell

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