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Kenneth Bengtsson new Chairman of the Board of Ahlsell AB

On May 9 CVC Capital Partners' completed their acquisition of the Ahlsell Group. Kenneth Bengtsson has been appointed new Chairman of the Company.

Kenneth is the Chairman of “The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise” (Sw: Svenskt Näringsliv) and has a long career in ICA behind him, where he recently resigned as its CEO.

"It is very stimulating to have someone with a genuine background within the trade business, and a successful career from a market leading company, as new Chairman. Most likely there is a lot that Ahlsell can learn from ICA's success story", says CEO Göran Näsholm.

"Ahlsell is a fantastic company and it feels stimulating to be able to contribute to the further development of the company", says Kenneth Bengtsson.

Peter Tornquist, Partner within CVC Capital Partners said, "We are pleased that the acquisition of Ahlsell has now been completed and look forward to working closely with the management and the board to jointly build on Ahlsell’s successful business model."

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's leading trading company in installation products and tools & machinery. It offers a wide range of products and services to professional users in the segments of heating & plumbing, electrical, tools and machinery, refrigeration and DIY. The Group has an annual turnover of approx. SEK 20 billion and about 4,500 employees.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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