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Ahlsell aquires ProffPartner As

Ahlsell and Jernia AS have entered into an agreement through which Ahlsell acquires the shares in ProffPartner As.

ProffPartner is one of Norway's leading suppliers of tools and personal protective equipment. ProffPartner has 24 own establishments, partnerships with 21 independent retailers in Norway, and seven establishments in Sweden. The customers are primarily in the offshore, industrial and construction sectors. The acquisition also includes Lexow and ProffPartner Security. The Group's total turnover amounts to approximately SEK 1.2 billion, of which approximately 1.1 billion in Norway.

The acquisition supports Ahlsell’s ambition to be the leading technical trading company in the Nordics when it comes to installation products, tools and personal protective equipment to professional customers.

With this acquisition Ahlsell in Norway will be the leading full-service provider of installation products, tools and personal protective equipment. Our businesses complement each other well, and we see the combined entity as a strong platform for continued expansion in Norway, says Göran Näsholm, CEO of Ahlsell AB. Ahlsell’s turnover in Norway after the acquisition will amount to nearly 6 billion SEK.

Knut Thjømøe, CEO of Jernia As, commented that the ProffPartner chain this way will have the right conditions to further strengthen its position as a leading company in the professional tool, protection and security market. JerniaGruppen will continue to focus on specialized retail trade and consumer markets.

A final agreement assumes the Norwegian competition authorities approval.

Questions in relation this information will be answered by Göran Näsholm, Group CEO, +46-708-23 71 00, goran.nasholm@ahlsell.se.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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