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Ahlsell acquires Skandinaviska Byggprodukter Väst Aktiebolag

Ahlsell acquires the Gothenburg-based company, SKB Väst. The company caters mainly to the construction industry to which it sells a wide range of products within reinforcement and formwork. The company has an annual turnover of approx. 100 MSEK, with good profitability. The company is privately owned.

Along with the previously announced acquisition of HauCon Sverige AB, active in the same niche, Ahlsell creates a strong, market-leading new platform. The acquisitions mean that Ahlsell will be an even better and stronger player already in the early stages of the construction, says CEO Göran Näsholm in a comment.

Questions related to this information will be answered by Group CEO Göran Näsholm at +46-708 23 71 00 or goran.nasholm@ahlsell.se.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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