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  • 16.12.2015

    Ahlsell acquires the operations in Weldab Industricenter

    Weldab Industricenter is a local industrial trading company with presence in Östersund. The product range includes tools, welding & grinding, machinery, personal protective equipment and...

  • 01.12.2015

    Claes Seldeby appointed new CEO of Ahlsell Sverige AB

    Claes Seldeby has been appointed CEO of Ahlsell Sverige, as well a member of Ahlsell AB's Group Management.Claes is currently CEO of FM Mattsson Mora Group AB with 550 employees and a turnover of SEK...

  • 26.11.2015

    Ahlsell acquires Verktygshuset i Kiruna AB

    Verktygshuset i Kirun is a local wholesale company with establishment in Kiruna. The company sells a wide range of tools, machinery, personal protective equipment and supplies. Annual turnover is...

  • 02.09.2015

    Ahlsell AB: Ahlsell aquires Sata Automaatio Oy

    Sata Automaatio is a local trading company with establishments in Pori and Rauma, Finland. The company sells a wide range of electrical automation products. The annual turnover is about 4 MEUR.Ahlsell...

  • 12.08.2015

    Ahlsell AB: Rune Flengsrud new director of Ahlsell AS

    Rune Flengsrud has been appointed new administrative director of Ahlsell Norge AS. Rune will also be a member of the Group Management in Ahlsell AB. Rune, with a long career within Schneider...

  • 16.06.2015

    Ahlsell AB : Johan Nilsson new CEO of the Ahlsell Group

    The Ahlsell Board of Directors has appointed Johan Nilsson new CEO of the Ahlsell Group. Johan will for the time being also maintain his current responsibilities for Ahlsell's operations in Sweden,...

  • 28.05.2015

    Ahlsell invests 300 million SEK

    A pervasive investment is to be made in Ahlsell’s Swedish logistics center in Hallsberg.The investment is related to both refurbishment and expansion of the facilities as well as the procurement of...

Melding fra Ahlsell

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