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Ahlsell invests 300 million SEK

A pervasive investment is to be made in Ahlsell’s Swedish logistics center in Hallsberg.

The investment is related to both refurbishment and expansion of the facilities as well as the procurement of new equipment in order to streamline operations through a more rational system with a higher degree of automation.
Our logistics center has for some years been heavily burdened, with some inefficiency as a result, and the opportunity to grow through acquisitions has been hampered. We are now taking vigorous action to create a more efficient operation and ensure possibilities to expand and stay an offensive company, says CEO Göran Näsholm in a comment.

Questions related to this information will be answered by Group CEO Göran Näsholm, +46-708 23 71 00 or goran.nasholm@ahlsell.se.

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's leading trading company in installation products and tools & machinery. It offers a wide range of products and services to professional users in the segments of HVAC, electrical, tools and machinery. The Group has an annual turnover of approx. SEK 22 billion and about 4,800 employees.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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