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Claes Seldeby appointed new CEO of Ahlsell Sverige AB

Claes Seldeby has been appointed CEO of Ahlsell Sverige, as well a member of Ahlsell AB's Group Management.

Claes is currently CEO of FM Mattsson Mora Group AB with 550 employees and a turnover of SEK 1.1 billion. Before joining FM Mattsson Claes had a long career within Schneider Electric where he in 2009 was appointed CEO of the Swedish operations.

"Claes has documented strong leadership abilities and experience from large and successful companies as well as a genuine knowledge of our industry. I am convinced that Claes will be a great asset to Ahlsell Sverige and the Group as a whole. We look forward to welcoming him to us”, says Group CEO Johan Nilsson.

Questions regarding this information will be answered by Johan Nilsson, Group CEO, +46 70 553 28 29, e-mail johan.nilsson@ahlsell.se

Ahlsell is the Nordic region's leading trading company in installation products and tools & machinery. It offers a wide range of products and services to professional users in the segments of HVAC, electrical, tools and machinery. The Group has an annual turnover of approx. SEK 22 billion and about 4,800 employees.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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