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Long term incentive programmes – Share savings programme

Ahlsell AB (publ) today has published, on its website, the vesting levels relating to the share savings programme offered on market terms to senior executives and key employees.

The information being made available includes details on the performance-based vesting criteria for the programme, as well as sensitivity calculations illustrating the total as well as annual economic impact of the share savings programme at various levels of company performance in terms of sales growth, adjusted EBITA margin, and total shareholder return.


For more information please contact:

Anna Oxenstierna, anna.oxenstierna@ahlsell.se, +46 708 15 84 85
David Stürken, dsturken@maitland.co.uk, +44 20 7379 5151


Ahlsell is one of the leading Nordic distributor of installation products, tools and supplies addressing installers, contractors, facility managers, industry, energy and infrastructure companies and the public sector. Ahlsell’s unique one-stop-shop value proposition provides professional users an extensive range of products and related services for the areas of HVAC & plumbing, isolation, electrical, construction, refrigeration, tools, supplies and personal protection equipment. The Group has an annual turnover of about MSEK 23 with approximately 97 percent of its net sales in Sweden, Norway and Finland. 

With nearly 5000 skilled employees, over 200 stores and three central warehouses, we are committed to our customer promise: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional!

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