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Ahlsell acquires G-ESS Yrkeskläder

Press release 3 Febuary 2017, 08:20 CET Ahlsell has signed an agreement to acquire all of the shares in G-ESS Yrkeskläder AB, which is based in Stockholm. The company has good profitability with sales of approximately SEK 120 million.

G-ESS is one of Sweden's major independent distributors of professional workwear and footwear. The company holds a strong position in the Stockholm area, with four stores in Bromma, Järfälla, Täby and Huddinge. The company generates annual sales of approximately SEK 120 million and employs a workforce of 37. Its customers operate in the installation, construction, industry and service sectors.

Johan Nilsson, President and CEO of Ahlsell AB (publ) says, “The acquisition of G-ESS extends our product portfolio and strengthens our position in the field of professional workwear and footwear in the Nordic market. G-ESS also adds new and interesting clients to our customer base, which opens up potential new business opportunities”.

G-ESS will continue to operate under its own brand and with its existing sales organisation.

The take-over is expected to take place in early March and it is anticipated that the acquisition will have a marginal positive impact on Group earnings in 2017.

For further information, contact:
Johan Nilsson, President and CEO, Ahlsell AB (publ) +46 (0)8-685 70 00
Anna Oxenstierna, Investor relations +46 (0)708-15 84 85


Ahlsell is the leading Nordic distributor of installation products, tools and supplies addressing installers, contractors, facility managers, industry, energy and infrastructure companies and the public sector. Our unique offering includes over a million  products and solutions.The Group has an annual turnover of about SEK 25 billion with approximately 97 percent of its net sales in Sweden, Norway and Finland. With over 5000 skilled employees, more than 200 branches and three central warehouses, we are committed to our customer promise:

Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional!

Melding fra Ahlsell

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