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Ahlsell acquires Finnish distributor of HVAC brackets and installation tools

Ahlsell Oy has signed an agreement to acquire Kahipa Oy (Kahipa), a Finnish distributor of HVAC brackets and installation tools with annual sales of approximately MEUR 3,5.

"Kahipa offers its customers specialist competence in a strategically important niche market. A bulk of the HVAC brackets are sold under private label, and we see good opportunities to extend the offering of these quality products nationwide.” says Mika Salokangas, Head of operations for Ahlsell in Finland.

Kahipa has seven employees, two branches in the southern parts of Finland and cater to a broad customer base covering customers in all sizes, from small installation companies to big construction enterprises.

“Both existing and new customers can look forward to an attractive and broad product assortment as we join forces.” continues Mika.

The acquisition is expected to be closed in the beginning of July and have a minor positive impact on the Group's earnings in 2018.

For further information please contact:
Karin Larsson, Head of IR and external communications
+46 8 685 59 24, karin.larsson@ahlsell.se

Johan Nilsson, President and CEO, Ahlsell AB
+468 685 70 00, johan.nilsson@ahlsell.se

Ahlsell is the Nordic region’s leading distributor of installation products, tools and supplies for installers, construction companies, facility managers, industrial and power companies and the public sector. The unique customer offer covers more than one million individual products and solutions. The Group has a turnover of over SEK 28 billion and about 97 percent of revenue is generated in the three main markets of Sweden, Norway and Finland. With about 5,600 employees, more than 230 branches and three central warehouses, we constantly fulfil our customer promise: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional!

Press release, June 19, 2018


Melding fra Ahlsell

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