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Ahlsell acquires Norwegian distributor within tools, PPE and maritime

Ahlsell Norge AS has signed an agreement to acquire Sentrum Motor og Verktøy AS (SMV) with annual sales of approximately MNOK 40.

SMV has a strong position within tools, PPE (personal protective equipment) and maritime in the region of Finnmark, in the northern parts of Norway. SMV has 9 employees and a broad customer base covering customers within construction, infrastructure and aquaculture.

“Today, we only offer products within the Electrical segment to the customers in this region. Through the acquisition of SMV, we gain a strong foothold within Tools & Supplies and also improve the prerequisites for growth within HVAC”, says Rune Flengsrud, Head of operations in Norway.

Ahlsell, with its clear strategy of providing customers a broad product offering within the range of HVAC, Electrical and Tools & Supply, has consistently increased its presence in Norway during the last years.

“So far, our strategy, with a broad product range and local presence, has been successful. The professionals in the fast growing region of Finnmark can look forward to an even broader assortment onwards.” continues Rune.

The acquisition is expected to be closed in May and have a minor positive impact on the Group's earnings in 2018.


Melding fra Ahlsell

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