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AHLSELL AB: Claes Seldeby new CEO and Group President of Ahlsell AB

The Board of Directors of Ahlsell has appointed Claes Seldeby as the new CEO and Group President of the Ahlsell group. Claes will also remain responsible for Ahlsell's operations in Sweden and related areas for the time being. Claes will assume his new position on 1 August 2021.

In connection with the appointment of a new Group President, it has been proposed that Johan Nilsson will take over as Chairman of Ahlsell AB.

Sören Vestergaard-Poulsen, Chairman of the Board, states: With Claes Seldeby we continue to build with a very commercial and business-oriented leader with a strong track record. In his role as head of operations of Ahlsell's Swedish business, Claes has over an extended period of time demonstrated excellent leadership and developed the company in a positive direction. Thus, it feels natural that Claes assumes the role after Johan Nilsson who has steered the Ahlsell group very well during the past six years and now chooses to retire from the executive position as CEO. We look forward to supporting Claes in his work with the continued development of Ahlsell, both organically and through acquisitions.

Johan Nilsson, current CEO, comments: After 13 years with Ahlsell and six years as CEO and Group President it feels natural to pass the baton to Claes who has made an outstanding effort during the years he managed Ahlsell Sweden. Claes has cemented the company's market leading position whilst spurring on the digital development within the company. I have very much appreciated being a part of the journey in making our company a world-leading distributor with a strong sustainability focus. In consultation with CVC Capital Partners, I look forward to accede as the Chairman of the Ahlsell group in connection with my resignation, where I can continue to contribute to Ahlsell's continued growth and success.

Claes Seldeby, acceding CEO, states: I am delighted to assume the CEO position for the Ahlsell group and continue the positive development work that successfully permeates Ahlsell. Ahlsell has a strong corporate culture throughout the company in all markets and segments, and I am honored to lead Ahlsell's employees and continue this successful journey.

Questions arising out of this information are to be answered by Sören Vestergaard-Poulsen or Gustaf Martin-Löf, e-mail gmartinlof@cvc.com, phone no. +46 (0)8-407 87 90; representatives of Ahlsell's principal shareholder CVC Capital Partners.


Ahlsell is the leading distributor in the Nordic region of installation products, tools and supplies for installers, construction companies, property managers, industrial and power companies and the public sector. The unique customer offering includes more than a million individual products and solutions. The Group has a turnover of almost SEK 33 billion and the three main markets, Sweden, Norway and Finland, account for approximately 97% of revenues.

With around 5,700 employees, more than 240 stores and three central warehouses, we make our customer promise a reality every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional!

Melding fra Ahlsell

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