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Ahlsell acquires Marie Swärds Svets & Verktygs AB

Ahlsell has signed an agreement to acquire Marie Swärds Svets & Verktygs AB, with sales of welding machines and accessories. The company has four employees and annual sales of just under SEK 13 million

Marie Swärds Svets & Verktygs AB is a local wholesaler based in Borlänge. The company sells a wide range of welding equipment, tools and industrial supplies.

Borlänge, with its strong industrial tradition, is an interesting market with good growth opportunities. Ahlsell has already has an establishment in Borlänge and with the acquisition of Marie Swärds Svets & Verktygs AB, we are strengthening our position and profile in the region, giving us good opportunities to develop the market for welding products, among other things.

The acquisition is expected to be completed in July.

For further information contact:

Johan Nilsson, CEO Ahlsell AB, tel. +468-685 70 00, email: johan.nilsson@ahlsell.se.


Ahlsell is the leading Nordic distributor of installation products, tools and supplies addressing installers, contractors, facility managers, industry, energy companies and the public sector.

The Group has a turnover of approximately 33 billion SEK and with more than 5700 skilled employees, over 240 stores and three central warehouses, we are committed to our customer promise: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional!

Melding fra Ahlsell

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