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Ahlsell continues to invest in Hallsberg Logistics Centre

Ahlsell has decided to make another significant investment in its Swedish logistics centre in Hallsberg. The move is prompted by confidence in the future and further growth ambitions. Expansion work is due to begin shortly via the establishment of a new site in the vicinity of our existing logistics building.

Ahlsell’s logistics centre in Hallsberg is the heart of the Group’s Swedish operations. It is one of the largest of its kind in Europe and also one of the most important transport hubs in the Nordic region. The facility has an area of approximately 235,000 square metres and with 1,000 employees, Ahlsell is the largest private employer in the municipality. The volume of sales handled in Hallsberg has almost doubled since the last major investment project was announced in 2015.

The Board has now decided to further invest in and develop the company’s logistics operations in Hallsberg. This time it is about expanding by establishing a new site close to the existing logistics centre. The decision is prompted by confidence in the future and further growth ambitions both in terms of capacity and customer offering.

  • “We are continuing to build on our success story and secure capacity for expansion to support Ahlsell’s persistently proactive approach. Developing our operations in Hallsberg adds more value for our customers and suppliers. It’s a decision that is consistent with our customer pledge to make it easier for our customers,” commented Mikael Sundström, CEO of Ahlsell Sverige AB.

Ahlsell has been continually investing in its logistics organisation over the past few years, adapting it to continued growth and new processes in the business. The company has also made a series of significant investments to support its operational processes.

  • “We’re delighted to be able to continue investing in our efficient logistics operations in Hallsberg, which creates new opportunities for development and improvement. Following the recent investment decision to build a new site in Hallsberg, work is now underway on project planning and procurement. We aim to begin construction as soon as possible,” explained Daniel Johansson, Logistics Manager for Ahlsell Sverige AB.

The investment amounts to approximately SEK 1 billion, including SEK 800 million for buildings and land and SEK 200 million for equipment. The project is expected to be completed by mid-2024.

For further information please contact:

Mikael Sundström, CEO, Ahlsell Sverige AB
+46 (0)8-685 70 00, mikael.sundstrom@ahlsell.se

Daniel Johansson, Logistics Director, Ahlsell Sverige AB

+46 (0)8-685 70 00, daniel.johansson@ahlsell.se


Ahlsell is present where people reside, work and live their lives. Ahlsell is the Nordic region’s leading distributor of installation products, tools and supplies for installation, construction, real estate management, industrial and power companies and the public sector. With some 6,000 employees, more than 240 stores, e-commerce and three central warehouses, we deliver on our promise to our customers, every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.

Visit www.ahlsell.com for further information.

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