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Kristian Ackeby appointed new CFO of the Ahlsell Group

Kristian Ackeby has been appointed CFO of the Ahlsell Group. He will assume his new position no later than 1 October 2023 and will be part of Ahlsell’s Group management.

Kristian previously served as CFO at Loomis Group. Prior to that, he worked as CFO at Lindab Group and in other leading positions within Autoliv.

“I am very happy to welcome Kristian to Ahlsell. His solid experience and well-documented leadership qualities will be a good addition to our team on the journey ahead," says Claes Seldeby, CEO of Ahlsell AB.

For more information please contact:
Claes Seldeby, Group CEO, Ahlsell AB
Tel. +46-8-685 70 00, email: claes.seldeby@ahlsell.se


Ahlsell is present where people reside, work and live their lives. Ahlsell is the Nordic region’s leading distributor of installation products, tools and supplies for installation, construction, real estate management, industrial and power companies and the public sector.

With an annual turnover of approximately 50 billion SEK, some 7,500 employees, more than 300 stores, e-commerce and four central warehouses, we deliver on our promise to our customers, every day: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.

Melding fra Ahlsell

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